A safe space dedicated to Kang Hanna and her Pogeunies. For Hanna, by Pogeunies.
Strong Me is a fan-run site and is in no way affiliated with Kang Hanna or Keyeast. Strong Me's sole purpose is to share the pogeunie love for Kang Hanna and is a strictly non-commercial/non-profit site. All content on this site (other than the translations) belongs to respective owners and if there are issues with copyright or related content, please make sure to contact us and we will be sure to adhere to any copyright laws and regulations. If you would like to repost any of the translations or pages from this site, we seek your kind consideration to inform us as well, thank you.
Strong Me은 팬 운영하는 사이트로 강한나 배우님 그리고 소속사 키이스트와 관련하지 않습니다. Strong Me에 유일한 목적은 강한나 배우님이 우리 포근이들 에게 나눈 사랑 더 많이 나눈 것입니다; 또 한 엄격히 비영리적인 사이트입니다. 본 사이트의 모든 콘텐츠(번역 제외)는 각 소유자의 것이며 저작권 또는 관련 콘텐츠에 문제가 있는 경우 이메일로 연락하십시오. 저작권법과 규정을 꼭 준수할 예정입니다. 본 사이트에서 번역본이나 페이지를 다시 게시하고 싶으시다면 저희에게 알려 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Strong Me would not have been possible without Hanna. Hanna's thoughts as well as efforts, dedication and talents towards acting, Volume Up and all her other courageous endeavours made Strong Me possible. Thank you to the owners of published Hanna content and Hanna's agency/staff for always supporting her. Special thanks from the bottom of my heart to all pogeunies, especially the ones who have supported and worked together to make Strong Me possible. You know who you special 4 individuals are, thank you and I love you. 항상 고맙고 응원하겠습니다.