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The concept of today’s pictorial was ‘Hanna’s Spring’, did you enjoy it? 

Did the shots come out nice and pretty? (laughs) I’m not used to pictorials yet so I was contemplating on how to express the feeling of Spring. It took a while to find the ‘Spring’ in me, but from the second cut onwards, I became more comfortable while shooting.


You recently became the DJ of Kang Hanna’s Volume Up and your opening comment on your first broadcast was ‘In March 2005, I first entered acting school to learn how to act, and in March 2015, I took on my first movie lead’. March must seem like a special month to you?

The Spring of 2020 feels even more special to me. It was this year where I felt like I was starting afresh. It also feels like I’m sowing good seeds myself as well. The approaching Spring does seem more special.


Is there anything special that changed?

When I first debuted, I played a rich-man’s daughter (Miss Korea), an antagonist (Empire of Lust), a revengeful character (Moon Lovers), a darker character (Designated Survivor:60 Days) and showed a diversity of characters. Recently, through variety shows and Volume Up, I was able to show viewers who I really am as an individual. By radiating my excitable and cheerful nature as well as positive energy. It’s like I’m at a distant starting point and slowly heading towards Kang Hanna as a person. 


You do look radiant. Was it an intentional decision to play characters far from your actual personality?

Since I started with playing antagonists, I think it became a natural progression. Acting is an occupation where actors/actresses are picked. I am always ready to be casted for any role. I believe that as I continue to present myself to the general public, there will be a chance where I can play a character similar to who I really am. 

Even so, the decision to become a DJ must not have been easy for an actress like you.

The radio feels like a kind and caring friend. I’ve always enjoyed listening to the radio while driving or heading somewhere, I not only am able to listen to music, I can also understand how others are going about their daily lives. Perhaps that’s why when I received the offer, I didn’t think much and said that I really wanted to do it. Although the pressure did surface later. Would I be able to do well? Will I be able to convey the happiness and sincerity of the various stories sent in? Am I someone who is worthy and able to do so? Thankfully, I was able to gain courage from people around me who said that I would do well as a DJ. As much as I enjoy talking, I also enjoy listening to the stories of people I’m close with. 


The reason why Actress Kang Hanna is especially loved in variety shows seems to be your straightforwardness. This straightforwardness becomes more prominent in Volume Up.

Haha! I give too much TMI about myself on the radio, don’t I? It’s a strength that only radios provide. There are portions where I can totally let my guard down. And that’s intriguing. As a DJ that listens to the honest stories of listeners, I feel like I too have to bring out my honest feelings. It would be unfair if one party shares their true feelings but the other party reacts with pretension and exaggeration. Although it doesn’t boil down to just being fair. Ultimately, I believe that it is because the honest stories of the listeners touch my heart.  


There are many actresses that are afraid or cautious of being over-involved in variety shows as it may affect their acting. Aren’t you scared as well?

Just like I am not afraid of the roles I play, the same goes for variety shows. No matter the role I am given, I always aim to ‘Do My Best’, the only thing on my mind is to put in my best effort. I’m not the type to complicate things in my mind by weighing out my strengths and weaknesses. 

Are you someone that makes decisions quickly? 

Although I am someone with lots of worries and thoughts, I do make decisions without much contemplation.


What are you worried or concerned about recently?

I don’t really have much on my mind recently. I guess that’s a relief. Having lots of things on my mind means that I’m feeling anxious but nowadays, things are peaceful and I’m excited as well. I guess everything I’ve done so far was in preparation to start afresh, and this makes those memories even more valuable to me. In the past, I always had this burden to continue living up to the ‘cold and chic’ image even in real life, but having opened and shown my true self on variety shows, I’ve become more relieved and at peace with myself. 


In the recent Designated Survivor: 60 Days, you played Han Nagyeong, which reinforced your strong image. There would have been some pressure since the original work was so well-received. 

During the audition for Empire of Lust, most of the actresses focused on the vicious and cunning personality of Gahee (the character) and emphasised on the darker and strong-headed aspects when acting or dressing up; but I didn’t see Gahee as that evil of a character. My personality isn’t one that fixes a label onto an individual/character but rather, I try to understand where they are coming from. When I study a character, rather than directly seeing them as evil, I look for the reason behind their actions. There’s no one that is evil from the start. Just that there were reasons that drove them towards evil. Therefore, I believe that understanding and deciphering the root cause of a character’s actions is more important. What was the character’s starting point? I try my best to see the character as a blank canvas (ie. as they are) before adding or imposing any judgment/characterisation. 


Is there a special way that you study and understand the characters you play? 

It’s not my own method but something I learnt in school, where we apply many different techniques to understand a character. I guess we could call it a method. Trying out different ways and repeating the process over and over again. But nowadays, the thought of deliberating less does cross my mind. 


 Was there anything that triggered this thought?

It came to mind as I observed the seniors acting in DS:60D. The darker and heavier the content, viewers are more able to absorb it when the actors are comfortable with their characters. Rather than thinking about how to add and create something more, I realised there was a need to think about how to naturally weave in the emotions that humans experience into the characters I play. Acting is indeed a challenging profession with no answers no matter how many times you practice. 


It’s said that you gain inspiration from other art forms when you study a character.

When I study a character, there are indeed times when I connect the dots. I do have interest in Art and Classics and I do benefit from them sometimes. Last year while on a solo trip to Paris, I visited one museum a day and spent lots of time appreciating the art pieces. As much as I learn a lot from observing other actors/actresses, I also gain strength from Art. 

Do you enjoy travelling alone? 

I like that travelling alone allows me to focus on myself. When I find an artwork that I like, I can choose to appreciate it while standing or sitting. Whereas, when I am with someone else, the surrounding areas and nature becomes part of the background (ie. the focus changes). After finishing my drama, I did feel lethargic, but it felt as if the emotions and sentiments that I once felt in my early 20s came flooding back (while travelling alone). That’s when I realised that solo trips were necessary for me. 


Which art piece did you spend the longest time on?

Standing in front of The Angelus and The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet, I almost teared up. I wondered why looking at these pieces in the textbook didn't make me feel anything, but seeing them in real life touched me so much. (Reporter: Hanna’s eyes sparkle while talking, as if The Angelus was right in front of her). It must have been the sense of mystery and profoundness the artwork gave off. When I returned I kept talking about The Angelus to people around me, as if I was singing.


How do these experiences energise you when you act?

When playing a role, it does deplete me physically and mentally. And when it ends, my heart feels empty as well. Looking at art pieces washes away this emptiness I feel. As I look at every stroke and colour on the art piece, I think about how much did the artist put his soul into his artwork and the amount of deliberation and caution they had to deal with. It also makes me realise that my struggles are insignificant to what these artists had to experience and in turn, softens my heart. 


It seems like you know how to ‘void and fill’ yourself up very well (ie. means that Hanna knows how to manage her emotions and thoughts well).

As I lived, I learnt how to ‘treat’ and comfort myself. I think I’ve trained myself to think positively and radiate energy without much effort. And of course, I was also influenced by my mother who is always positive.  

Have you ever hit the ground? (ie. hit the lowest point in life)

I’m the type to tell myself that ‘It’s okay’ when I hit the ground and then pick myself up. At times like these, even if people around tell you that it’s okay, it doesn’t do much. I need to be the one to get back on my feet and pull myself out. In times where I’m at my worst and a mess, I always try my best to be my own source of strength and not blame myself too much or wallow in sadness. 


As much as you devote a lot of energy while acting, how does it also ‘fill’ you? 

Through gaining experience and having fun. Acting requires a lot of energy, puts a lot of stress on me and also tires me out, and if it wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t have been able to persevere. While studying a character, I developed a lot of curiosity as to why humans act a certain way. I somewhat enjoy the process of learning and observing; and also deliberating about man and life. This is something that I value and also believe that it is my responsibility as an actress. The responsibility to understand the diversity that exists among humans and express them well. Even if it is difficult, I believe that it is my responsibility as an actress to do so. 

Coincidentally, being a DJ means you are able to listen to the various stories of different people. It must have provided you an opportunity to widen your understanding.     

Whenever I listen to a story, I always ask what happened afterwards. It’s not just a formality but because I am genuinely curious. It hasn’t been long since I start but this one-time interaction with listeners is one thing that makes me a little disappointed (ie. Hanna wants to spend more time on the listeners’ stories). I usually enjoy talking and listening to someone for hours. Even if it’s a seemingly insignificant topic, I hope to spend more time talking about it; perhaps as time passes, this gap will be filled. I haven’t taken on a role since becoming a DJ, but I believe that it would have a positive effect on my acting. 

Are there any projects that you are looking at?

I currently don’t have a confirmed project and am working hard to prepare for my next role. Like always, I wish to take on a role that I haven’t done before; and while I’m still young, I want to try as many ‘youthful’ dramas/movies as possible. 


What is your image of youth? 

青 (the Chinese character for youth) and 春 (Chinese character for Spring)? (Laughs) I’d say Spring of course. I think it’s important to always feel anew; even if one is young (in terms of age) but views the things and situations happening in the world as dangerous and risky, youth probably doesn’t exist in them.

Does it mean that you can play a youthful character at any age? 

‘Eras’ still exist (ie. Hanna not exactly agreeing to the question). It’d be better if I’m still a little younger and more youthful (Hanna raises both hands and does an energetic pose). I’m feeling rather youthful nowadays (blinks). When my eyes are still filled with shine and sparkle. How can I call it youth when I become a grandmother? 


I heard you are starting a new variety show?

It’s a variety called <The Romance> where Rapper Jung Jewon and I transform into romance webtoon writers. Anymore and it’ll be a spoiler…(laughs)


You have ventured into DJing from being an actress, are there any fields you wish to try in the future?

Since I like classical music, I want to learn a musical instrument but I have yet to specifically think or decide on a field. I am someone that gives my all in what I have been tasked with rather than biting off more than I can chew. Ah! Now that we are talking, I did a shot where I had to get wet just now (laughs). Since I am the style that aims to excel in what I am tasked with, I might as well focus on expanding the current fields I’m dabbling with.

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